General Rules



​​​​The following rules have been published for your convenience and are meant to be used to govern on track competition and track activities. These rules apply to all involved including participants, crew members, family members and fans. BCRP management has the right to change and adjust the rules as competition and circumstance dictate. All changes will be updated in red to indicate a change.


All drivers must have proper safety equipment for their class. This includes at a minimum no open toed shoes, no shorts, and no open-faced helmets. See your class and/or series for further safety equipment requirements.

All lead must be painted white and have the kart/mower number painted/marked on it. All lead bolts must have lock nuts or be double nutted. Safety pinned bolts can also be used as a securing method.

All karts must have a chain guard. Homemade chain guards are acceptable if they meet the same safety standards and provide the same amount of protection as factory-built/store bought guards.

All karts/mowers must go through safety inspection prior to entering the racetrack for that event.


Fighting is prohibited: Anyone hitting, spitting, cursing, etc. at a track official will be disqualified from all classes participated in for that night. No exceptions. No refunds.

If you remain in your pit area and defend yourself, crew, etc. from an over aggressive angry individual or individuals trying to provoke an incident, fight, argument, etc., you will not be held responsible.           This will be under the discretion of track management. Any fights that lead to damage of track property will be the responsibility of the confrontation initiator. Track management will decide who this is.

Drivers are responsible for their own crews, family members, friends, etc. This does not exclude a driver’s fans, crewmembers, etc. that may be sitting in the stands as “fans”.

Anyone who steps onto the flag stand or causes a scene at the flag stand to the point the flagman must divert their attention away from the safety of the race, will result in all driver’s associated with said person to be disqualified in all classes participated in that night.

Disqualifications that come from an altercation/fighting, will result in the loss of all money & points earned in all classes participated in for that event by the kart/driver at a minimum.

No alcohol of any kind is allowed in the pit area or grandstands. If a participant would like to bring alcohol to the races, the participant can leave the alcohol in the registration office, and it will be given back to you at the initial green flag of the last feature starting. Coolers are subject to being checked at any time by BCRP management and staff. If caught with alcohol, you will be disqualified from the event. This includes all karts/participants working out of the guilty parties’ trailer and pit area.



A minor is considered as being under 18 years of age. Any participant under the age of 18 MUST submit an NKA Minor Release Form. Drivers must be at least 3 years old for Juicebox Racers and 5 years old for karting and mower racing. Everyone who enters the pit area is deemed a participant.

Drivers must be age appropriate for the class they are participating in. Exceptions can be made by track management to promote a driver up in class (by age group), but a driver cannot step down in age group.

A driver must be registered into that day’s event prior to entering the track. Failure to do so could result in loss of points, loss of starting position, disqualification from the event and or suspension. Penalty for violating this rule will be at the discretion of track management.

Drivers who qualify the kart, must race the kart. If a substitute driver is put into place between qualifying and their race, the substitute driver will have to start last and will not receive points for the original driver they are substituting for.  Points, money, awards, etc. must be earned by the driver that is registered for that class. Change of drivers will require re-registering. See points & Awards.


Everyone must check-in at the entrance gate(s) prior to entering the racetrack. No exceptions.

Karts can’t be driven through the pit area. Mowers may be driven but at an idle speed. Max 5 MPH.

All oil is to be deposited in the oil waste drums located throughout the pit area. Failure to properly dispose of oil/fuel, etc. could result in a suspension or disqualification.

It’s expected that everyone disposes of general trash in the trash barrels located throughout the pits.

A 50/50 raffle will be done each racing event. The proceeds will be split with the winning ticket holder receiving 50% and the track receiving the other 50% of the total amount of money collected. Regardless of the number of tickets sold, the track will guarantee the winning ticket holder a minimum of $50.00.


If you are slowing or exiting the track, raise one hand high above your helmet to indicate to others you are slowing. If possible, steer your kart/mower/etc. out of the groove and to a safe spot or off the track.

Karts that break down or are damaged must exit the track surface. Once you have exited the racing surface and reported to the pit area, you cannot return to that race. Selected junior classes, Future Stars, etc. will be allowed 1 person on the track to help refire the engine, etc. No repairs requiring tools can be performed on the track during a race/caution or red flag.

Pit crew or family members are only allowed on the racing surface after being told by racetrack personnel to proceed. Anyone running out onto the racetrack is subject to have their driver disqualified.

Be sure to understand the events race procedures. Unless otherwise noted, races will start off turn 4 by the flagman. You must remain single file until exiting turn 2 on the initial start and/or on restarts. A painted passing line may be placed on the track surface indicating when it’s ok to begin passing.

If you are late to staging for practice and a clear spot open, the pit steward can allow you to merge on to the track if they feel it’s safe to do so. If you’re late for qualifying, you’re out. If you are late for a heat race or feature, you will not be allowed to enter the race once 1 lap is complete.

A choose cone could be utilized for certain events. A choose cone is a rule where track officials will place a cone on the straight-a-way one lap prior to a restart. As you approach the cone, you have the option to go to the outside, but it is not mandatory. During a race where the choose cone is being displayed, passing can begin immediately after the green flag is shown.

If in any way you were involved in the caution that led the restart, you must start on the tail end of the longest line. You can not advance your position through the choose cone rule during that initial restart after the incident you were involved in.

Classes with 4 or less entries will race 6 lap heat races (If applicable) and a 10-lap feature. Time limit will be set at 1 minute per scheduled lap. All karts will qualify regardless of entries. (If applicable)

The maximum time for any race is one minute per lap. Time begins at the initial green flag.

A race is considered complete after completing half of the scheduled green flag laps of competition.

All classes will be given practice opportunities. How much practice time may vary per event.

All karting events will be scored via electronic transponder.

Transponders shall be mounted at the base of the steering shaft of the kart. No exceptions.

If at any time after your initial technical inspection you change engines, you must go back through technical inspection and indicate to the tech officials you have changes engines.

The tech/Impound area is a restricted area. You must get permission from the tech official or track management before entering the area. This is at the discretion of the lead tech official.

After weighing at the scales, the top 3 finishing karts are to remain in the tech area until being released by the tech official(s). A driver and or kart leaving the technical impound prior to being released by the tech official(s), may result in immediate disqualification.

The winner/driver must stay in the tech area until the tech official gives permission to leave. Failure to follow this rule is subject to disqualification.


If a caution occurs on the first attempt of a race without a lap being completed, the field will revert to the original lineup. If karts can’t continue due to an accident, etc. all others will simply move up. There will be no (crossing of starting positions). After one official restart of the initial start, the karts involved in another caution will be directed to the rear of the field.

A caution will be signaled when there is a hazard on the racetrack. All karts involved in the incident will be sent to the rear of the field. If a kart spins to avoid the accident/hazard, that driver will retain their spot in the lineup if they don’t contact another kart, need assistance by track personnel and/or don’t need their motor refired.

During a caution period, lineups will revert to the last completed lap under green. A lap is considered complete if the leader completes said lap per scoring personnel.

If a race time expires while under caution, the race will resume with a green/white/checkered finish. If a race time expires while it’s under a red flag, the race will be called and scored back to the last completed green flag lap with those involved in the caution/red flag being scored at the tail of the field.

If a caution with the leader of the race occurs that is initiated by a lapped kart, the leader will retain their position and the lapped kart will be black flagged. (This only applies to the leader of the race). The black-flagged kart will retain points for the event.

Any race that finishes under caution or red flag, will be scored on the last completed green flag lap.

If a drivers engine shuts off at any time (during green or caution conditions) and needs assistance to be refired, that driver will be sent to the rear of the field.  Exception would be prior to taking the green flag.

Purposely causing a caution will result in being given a black flag warning and/or the black flag.

If you create and/or are responsible for 3 cautions during one single main/feature event, you will be given the black flag. This same rule applies to heat race competitions and qualifying sessions but will be under a 2-caution rule.

If you are involved in the caution, you will go to the back of the field. Involved in the caution refers to anyone making contact that caused the incident or if you made contact trying to avoid the incident. IF YOU MAKE CONTACT WITH ANOTHER KART/MOWER AND THAT CONTACT RESULTS IN A YELLOW OR RED FLAG, YOU WILL BE CONSIDERED INVOLVED. Example: 2nd place spins out the leader. You both go to the back. Example: 1st & 2nd tangle while 5th place hits either one trying to avoid it, all 3 go to the back.

TAP OUT: If a driver feels they are the reason (sole person responsible for the initial contact that started the incident), they have the option to tap out. The said driver will approach the flag stand or corner worker area slowly and tap the top of their helmet to indicate they are tapping out. Track personnel will acknowledge the signal. The driver tapping out will go to the rear of the field and all other drivers involved will retain their position per scoring as of the last completed lap.


There will be no refunds for insurance, EMT, class entry, transponder fees, etc.

Refunds are possible for race cancellations, rainouts, etc. Refunds will be at the description of BCRP.


If bad weather comes in and qualifying has been completed but the features cannot get started or completed, then the event may be considered complete and payout/standing/points of the classes that did not run feature events will pay awarded per qualifying results.

If during an event the weather gets bad and the qualifying has not completed, save your armband. That will be your pass for the next race of that type of race/series. NO REFUNDS!


All track official’s decisions are final. Track management WILL NOT overrule or intervene in a decision made by the corner workers, lead scorer, flagman, pit steward or tech officials. An incident that arises in which isn’t covered in the rule book, a decision will be made, and that decision will become the rule.

The flagman oversees the race, the leader of the race is not in charge.

Scale Attendant is to weigh the kart and driver at the end of each race. Failure to make weight in 2 tries will lead to immediate disqualification. The scales are accurate & can be verified by request. A driver has the right to verify the scales accuracy. This Verification will require a $20 fee. The $20 is refundable if the accuracy test fails. If the test proofs the scales accuracy, track management retains the $20.00.

All technical disqualifications will include the loss of all money and points earned for that night’s events as it relates to that class only. (Disqualified from a local class, that doesn’t apply to a pro class)

No disqualification will result in a monetary penalty. Disqualifications could lead to suspensions. Suspensions are at the discretion of track management.


Track management reserves the right to adapt the rules as needed in fairness of competition and participant safety. All rule changes will be published, and notices made of those changes. A rule will not be changed, revised during an event. All revisions will be reviewed post event with the revisions going into effect for the next event. IF IT IS NOT WRITTEN, THAT DOES NOT MEAN ITS LEGAL.


Internal engine protest will cost $200.00. The lead tech official will get $50.00 regardless of the outcome. The winner of the protest will get $100.00 and the remaining $50.00 goes to the points fund. The protestor must present their desire to protest along with the $200.00 (cash) prior to the protested kart leaving the tech area. No protest can be filed after the kart is cleared and leaves the tech area.

All illegal parts discovered during the process will be shown to both parties involved in the protest only. Illegal parts will not be displayed for public view, nor will the track confiscate them.

An internal protest of any motor built by BCRP tech official(s), will be inspected by a third-party motor builder at the tracks expense. The results for all races that motor was used in during that night’s events could be placed on hold until the results of the protest are complete.

If an internal protest is filed and the motor/kart has additional races to participate in, the protested kart/motor will be allowed to run all classes entered for that event. Tech officials will take steps to ensure the motor isn’t altered and stays in its current configuration for the rest of the night’s events. This could include but not be limited to pictures, seals, etc. The kart/motor staying in the tech area for the remaining races will be at the discretion of track officials.

All visual or age protest must be filed prior to the protested kart/racer participating in their classes first official race of that event. (Qualifying is considered a race in this rule)

During the teardown process, each party is allowed to have one representative at their discretion. That person can’t be swapped out for any reason other than an emergency family/medical situation.


GREEN FLAG: The Green Flag means the race has started. This is the official start of the race.

WHITE FLAG: The White Flag means one more lap to go in the race. This flag is a courtesy.

CHECKERED FLAG: The Checkered Flag is the official conclusion of the race, qualifying or practice.

YELLOW FLAG: The Yellow Flag indicates the race has not yet started. Form up into start positions and circle the oval until the Green Flag is shown or there is danger ahead, slow down, no changes in position or passing is allowed. Full Yellow flag at all corners mean proceed with caution.

RED FLAG: The Red Flag means there is a serious situation on the track which requires immediate attention. All drivers are to proceed with caution and come to a complete stop.

BLUE FLAG: The Blue and Yellow flag indicates that the signaled Kart is being overtaken by a faster Kart. The signaled Kart is to give way to the overtaking Kart. Failure to adhere could result in disqualification.

CROSSED FLAGS: Crossed Green and White Flags indicates that you are half-way through the race. This is a courtesy flag and is not guaranteed to be shown.

PARRELL FLAGS: Usually green and white flags displayed together indicates there are 2 laps remaining in the race. This is a courtesy and is not guaranteed to be shown.

BLACK FLAG: The Black Flag means the Driver must exit the race immediately, their race has ended. Failure to adhere to the Black Flag instruction may result in disqualification.

ROLLED BLACK FLAG: The Rolled Black Flag is a warning that a driver infraction has been committed. If the driver does not adhere the warning further action may be taken.


Drivers will drop their worse finishing race in both the local races and the series races. (One drop for each). A disqualification or race cancellation doesn’t count as a drop. You must at a minimum register and present your kart to technical inspection to be considered for a dropped race.

You do not have to qualify and/or participate in a heat race to run the feature. If you do not qualify/run the heat race, you will start last in the main event. You must be registered prior to qualifying beginning.

Points will be awarded as follows. The same points structure applies to local and/or series races.

Qualifying/Heat races

  • – Point earned by the pole sitter and/or the heat race winner.

Main Event/Features

1st Earns 22 points.

2nd Earns 18 points.

3rd Earns 17 points.

4th Earns 16 points.

5th Earns 15 points.

6th Earns 14 points.

7th Earns 13 points.

8th Earns 12 points.

9th Earns 11 points.

10th – 22nd Earns 10 points.


A class must average at least 5 entries per race to qualify for the two major yearend championship awards. These awards include a Clash @ The Creek championship series watch (Series champion only) and a racing leather jacket by the overall combined local points and series champion. All class champions regardless of average kart count will receive a championship trophy.

Each participant will be able to drop their worst finish (One race finish) during the year. If running both the local & series races, a participant will be able to drop their worse finish in each. A disqualification can count as a dropped race. A participant is considered entered a race if they have registered and passed technical inspection for that event. To receive yearend points awards, you must compete in at least 3/4 of the scheduled events in that class. This applies to both local and Clash @ The Creek series races.

Average Kart Entry Count Requirements: (Local and series points)

4 or less champion to receive a yearend trophy and 2nd to receive a plague.

5-7 top 2-3 to receive yearend trophies and 3rd/4th to receive a plague.

8-10 top 3-4 to receive yearend trophies and 4th/5th to receive plagues.

10-12 top 4-5 to receive yearend trophies and 5th/6th to receive plagues.

13+ top half to receive yearend trophies.

Additional Awards:

Championship Chassis Builder of The Year: Each participant will have the opportunity to list their chassis builder when they register. Wins (Only) will be calculated, & the award will be presented at the banquet.

Championship Motor Builder of The Year: Each participant will have the opportunity to list their motor builder when they register. Wins (Only) will be calculated, & the award will be presented at the banquet.

Most poles won: Drivers with the most pole awards in both adult & minor’s classes will be recognized.

Most Feature Event Wins: We’ll calculate and recognize the winners in both adults and minor classes.

Most Popular Driver(2 Total): Will be voted on by fans, participants, and crewmembers.

Driver of the Year (2 Total): Will be voted on by all drivers in both adult and minor classes.

Crew Chief of The Year: Will be awarded to the crew chief of the two drivers (One adult & one minor’s classes) who has the best average main event feature finishing position.

Sportsmanship: We will recognize those who go above and beyond to help their fellow racers throughout the year regardless of circumstances. All participants will have an opportunity to vote on this award.

Sponsor Recognition: Recognizing those that help keep the sport alive & prospering towards the future.

Volunteer of The Year: Giving a moment to show appreciation to those that volunteer their time.

Employee of The Year: Is dedicated to recognizing one of our own for going above & beyond their duties.

BCRP Pinnacle Award: (Each year if applicable) Will be given to individuals who have displayed unmatched dedication and unwavering support. Their outstanding contributions, leadership, vision, and commitment have helped the raceway prosper and remain a part of the community year end year out.