Karting Rules



  1. Fuel: The track management will designate a specific official fuel stop prior to the beginning of each season. This same fuel will be available for purchase at the track.


  1. Motors: Will comply to NKA motor rules unless specifically noted otherwise in the specific class rules. AKRA motor rules will also be accepted, but you must declare it during pre-race technical inspection. If you don’t, NKA rules will be enforced.


  1. Age Determination: If track management feels there could be a discrepancy with a driver’s age as it pertains to what class they are racing in, the track management will ask the driver or drivers parents/guardian for proof of age. Failure to provide proof could result in the driver being disqualified from the event or the driver moving up/down in class depending on the situation.


  1. Driver Minimum Weight: All classes where there is a driver minimum weight requirement, the driver will be weighed without race wear, helmet, etc.


  1. Stock Appearing (Predator): Means the motor must look identical to how it comes directly out of the original box. It cannot be modified in any way as to its appearance. Some minor adjustments can be made to linkage, etc. Consult the lead tech official beforehand.


  1. RPM & Surge: In classes where rules dictate an RPM and surge requirement, the motor can be checked any time at BCRP tech officials’ discretion. Not allowing the tech official(s) to verify the RPM/surge will result in an automatic disqualification.


  1. Tires: All classes unless otherwise noted are on an open slick tire. The track will not be policing tire prep unless noted in specific class rules. If track officials find a participant isn’t being environmentally responsible with chemical disposal, that participant can be disqualified.


  1. No Prep @ The Track: Track tech official(s) will use a specific race day rule to govern. Any violation of this rule will result in an automatic disqualification from any no prep @ the track classes the kart and/or driver participated in.


  1. Clutch: Unless otherwise noted in a specific class, all classes are on an open clutch rule.


  1. Seat Belts: Champ buggy classes must have up to date seat belts. All seat belts must be stamped/identified in the previous 2 years. All belts have a 2-year expiration.


  1. Minimum Weight: If a kart and/or driver fail to make weight, the driver will be given a second opportunity. During the second opportunity, the driver will position themselves and the kart on the scale how they wish as long as the kart and driver stay within the boundaries of the scales. Their second attempt will be their last. If anyone other than the driver and tech officials touch the kart between the 1st and 2nd attempts, the result will be an automatic disqualification.


  1. Gear Rules: Gear selection could be changed at track managements discretion based on track competition and participant feedback. A rule change notice will be published in advance.


  1. Economy Classes: The Future Stars and Sr. Predator Stock classes will have a discounted entry fee. Neither class will have a race payout unless specifically advertised for a single race event. All other race and year end awards will apply.


  1. Sealed Predator Motor: May run in the box stock predator classes but must also comply with all rules per that class. The seals are not an exception or a preventive measure to prevent tech from tearing down the motor. BCRP tech has the right to remove the seals for technical inspection at their discretion. The Predator Stock 375, Predator Sr. Stock, Future Stars, and Champ Predator 425 are not sealed required classes.



Track management reserves the right to adapt the rules as needed in fairness of competition and participant safety. All rule changes will be published and noticed made of those changes.



Clone Lite: 325
325 lbs. Minimum
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Ages 15 & Up
87 Octane Fuel

Clone Super Heavy: 425
425 lbs. Minimum
Driver Weight 205 lbs. Min.
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Ages 15-Up
87 Octane Fuel

Clone Medium: 350
350 lbs. Minimum
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Ages 15 & Up
87 Octane Fuel

Clone Dbl Cheeseburger: 450
450 lbs. Minimum
Driver Weight 228 lbs. Min.
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Ages 15-Up
87 Octane Fuel

Clone Heavy: 380
380 lbs. Minimum
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Ages 15 & Up
87 Octane Fuel

Red Plate:
Weight 240 lbs. Min.
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Clone Red Plate
Small Header Pipe
16/69 Gear – 34.5″ Max RR Tire
Ages 5-7
87 Octane Fuel

Weight 270 lbs. Min.
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Clone Green Plate
Small Header Pipe
Ages 7-10
87 Octane Fuel

Weight 290 lbs. Min
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Clone Purple Plate
Small Header Pipe
Ages 10-12
87 Octane Fuel

Weight 320 lbs. Min.
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Clone Blue Plate
Small Header Pipe
Age 12-15
87 Octane Fuel

Sr/Champ 425
Weight 425 lbs. Min
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Clone Motors Only
Big Header Pipe
Must have Wrist Restraints
Ages 15-Up
87 Octane Fuel

Teen Champ 360
Weight 360. lbs. Min
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Clone Motors Only
Big Header Pipe
Must have Wrist Restraints
Ages 11-15
87 Octane Fuel

JR Sportsman Champ:
Weight 320 lbs. Min
NKA Motor Rules Apply
Clone/Purple Plate
Small Header Pipe
Must have Wrist Restraints
Ages 8-11
87 Octane Fuel


Future Stars:
Weight 240 lbs. Min
Box Stock Predator/Green Plate
4,500 RPM/Must Surge
15/69 Gear-No Prep @ The Track
Reaper/Hoosier Treaded Only
Ages 5-8
87 Octane Fuel

JR. Predator:
No Weight Min.
Stock Predator or Ducar Motor
5,100 RPM/Must Surge
Ages 7-10
87 Octane Fuel

Predator Lite 345:
Weight 345 lbs. Min
Predator or Ducar Motor
Stock Appearing
5,500 RPM/Must Surge
Ages 15 & Up
Open Fuel

Predator 360:
Predator or Ducar motor
Weight 360 lbs. Min
Stock Appearing
5,500 RPM/Must Surge
Ages 15 & Up
Open Fuel

Predator 375 Stock:
Box Stock Predator or Ducar
Weight 375 lbs. Min Predator
Weight 390 lbs. Min Ducar
5,500 RPM/Must Surge
Ages 15 & Up
87 Octane Fuel

Predator 390:
Predator or Ducar motor
Weight 390 lbs. Min
Stock Appearing
5,500 RPM/Must Surge
Ages 15 & Up
Open Fuel

Predator Sr. Stock:
Weight 390 lbs. Min. Predator
Weight 405 lbs. Min. Ducar
Box Stock Predator or Ducar
Reaper/Cobra Tires Only
No Prep @ The Track
Ages 55-Up
87 Octane Fuel

Champ Predator 425:
Weight 425 lbs. Min Predator
Weight 440 lbs. Min. Ducar
Box Stock Predator or Ducar
Must have Wrist Restraints
Ages 15 Up
87 Octane Fuel


No Weight Min
Must be Flat Kart Type Chassis
Body Panels Not to Exceed –
Height of Drivers Head
Ages 15 & Up
Open Fuel

Stock Appearing:
Weight 350 lbs. Minimum
Clone or Predator Style Motor
Must Run RVL Full Muffler
Can Use GX390 Carb
Electric Starters Are Allowed
Ages 15 & Up
Open Fuel

Flathead 360 lbs
Animal 400 lbs.
Ages 15 & Up
Open Fuel